Friday, April 23, 2010

Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve

Sure we all know that wearing your heart on your sleeve has major consequences! But what are the benefits???

Many of us are sensitive creatures and almost anyone or anything can have just cause for an emotional reaction. However by being emotionally vulnerable, people never have to guess what you're thinking or how you feel about something. Chances are you are honest and open about your feelings. Essentially, this makes you more transparent and quite possibly more like-able to others around you.

What are other benefits of wearing your heart on your sleeve? Well when you love it's pure love. When you love, you are certain of it. In fact, you are always certain of your feelings and other people are too.

Even though wearing your heart on your sleeve sometimes has drastic consequences, in the long run you benefit from thee experiences. You learn when to shield it. You can also learn when to take the emotional energy and apply it to whatever task before you. This ability will ultimately make you more successful in all endeavors.

If you are one of the many ladies who wears her heart on her sleeve, be proud and inspire others with these lovely gems!

With Love,

All that glitters just might be gold.

Love, Peace & Hair Grease,
Miss Priss aka Kari


  1. Heeellllloooo Miss Priss (aka Kari)!! Whoooo MP=K Bedlam love you baby. **Theres a mountain and its mighty high!** if you know what BEDLAM mean. Uno, first, NUMBER ONE! let me introduce myself====I AM BEDLAM!!! and BEDlam appreaciate you MP=K for visiting my site. **You cannot see the top unless you fly!! ** Church! (yes Bedlam) hit ME! BAAM!!! (thank you very much). MP=K, BEDLAM put a link there because BEDLAM (that’s me) like you. POP! emotions can take the best of us. YEAH church? (yes Bedlam) we - that’s people- have to know when and how to respond for the true effect.
    **Theres a lady 99 years old.** MP=K, my name is BEDLAM! Being married for thousends of years you learn what and what not to do. Ooh!! Insane to your brain. Tell me what you say, let me do my thing! BEDLAM always be honest and stand Bedlam’s ground. BABY! It gets BEDLAM in trouble most of the time but its Gonna BE BEDLAM.... nothing fake! Whoooo MP=K Keep the hearts on the sleeve and sparkle like BEDLAM have read through these posting. Show that love and it will be shown back, **if she lead a good life, heaven takes her soul** im sure you know that. Use your imagination, let me take you higher, rain hail snow earthquakes, Earth Wind & Fire=The GOLD EXPERIENCE.....B.E.D.L.A.M. is out of here.
