Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14th ~ Appreciating the Lives of Family

April 14th is always a difficult day for me. Year after year, I wake up feeling sad because it was on April 14th that my father died. Today marks the 10 years since he passed away. I was always "daddy's little girl." He taught me so much and to this day is one of my biggest inspirations in my life.

His death was a difficult one for our family. He was diagnosed in September of 2000 with cancer and by April he passed away. We always thought of his death as premature since he was only 53 years young, which made it all the tougher to cope with. When he was diagnosed, I was only fourteen years old and entering the ninth grade. He died about a month after my fifteenth birthday.

Ten years later the loss of my father doesn't hurt any less than it did when we first learned of his passing. I have had to grow up, finish high school, college and even get married without my father's earthly presence. At times it has been unbearable and even the root of a few bouts of depression. Sometimes the only comfort that my heart has felt is knowing that he has been watching me from heaven.

Today at twenty-five years old, I have learned to be grateful for the years that God granted me with my father. Although I only had fifteen years with him, those fifteen years were the best fifteen years of my life. The essence of who I am is largely due to his influence. I've also become wiser as I've grown older and realized that there are many people who have never even had a father. It has taught me to thank God for being blessed with such a wonderful one.

Even though April 14th is always difficult, I have tried to put an emphasis on gratefulness. Although the loss of a loved one is tremendous, it teaches us to be happy for the loved ones who remain in our lives. I am so appreciative to have a supportive and loving family ~ and husband and my mother who are my best-friends and biggest supporters.

Remember to show loved ones how important they are in your lives.

All that glitters just might be gold.

Love, Peace & Hair Grease,
Miss Priss aka Kari

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